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The Monster Pub Brawl  Alpha was a huge success with 69 qualifying  stakers.


The next alpha is coming soon and  will  be opening up to stakersJoin today and get into the next early access event is a website and platform dedicated to showcasing games developed for the Ergo Blockchain. Anyone can submit a game to as long as they meet certain requirements, including ethical business practices and a sustainable gaming model. Games may still be in development when submitted, but must either be playable or have information on release schedule/development.​​

Major Points of Utility:

  • Showcasing games for the Ergo Blockchain

  • Allowing developers to test out the waters and gain public sentiment on game demand

  • Utilizing NFTs to allow developers to airdrop tokens and game asset NFTs to users

  • Creating quality videos and hosting live lessons on building games

  • Creating a space to discuss and rate games

  • Hosting Game Jams with prizes 

  • Hosting tournaments and contests as games develop for the Ergo Blockchain


What is Ergo?

Ergo is a Resilient Platform for Contractual Money. It is designed to be a platform for applications with the main focus to provide an efficient, secure and easy way to implement financial contracts.


To achieve this goal, Ergo includes various technical and economic improvements to existing blockchain solutions. Every coin in Ergo is protected by a program in ErgoScript, which is a powerful and protocol friendly scripting language based on Σ-protocols. It specifies conditions under which a coin can be used: who can spend them, when, under what external conditions, to whom, and so on.

Extended support of light nodes makes Ergo friendly for end users and allows it to run contracts on common devices such as mobile phones trustlessly. To be useful in the long-term, Ergo is strictly following a long‐term survivability approach — it uses widely-researched solutions that are not going to result in security issues in the future, while also preventing performance degradation over time with a new economic model.

Finally, Ergo is a self‐amendable protocol, that allows it to absorb new ideas and improve itself in the future. The focuses on long‐term survivability and self‐amendability are what give Ergo its resiliency.

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